Oct 16

I’m playing ZendAMF for a few days and I found that a patch increasing the performance has not been integrated in the very last release (1.10.8) although it is available since the 1.10.4. You can find details in the ZF issue tracker:

I don’t understand why it has not been integrated as it represents only 2 lines of code to be modified.

So I decided to patch my ZendServer to measure the gains and compare to AMFPhp. For that, I used the excellent comparison tool provided - with sources - by PhilFlash. This is actually the only independant, objective and clear tool that I found on the web to compare the performance of ZendAMF and AMFPhp (+ gzipped XML transfers which are even faster than AMFPhp).

So here is my results showing the performance gains obtained on my laptop as Apache/MySQL server (you can check in the comments of the issue 7493 that some guys found more important gains).

2 measures to retrieve 10.000 simple records:

  • ZendAMF 1.10.8 (longest bar)
  • patched ZendAMF 1.10.8 (middle bar)
  • AMFPhp (shortest bar)
(the PhilFlash’s application has been modified to add my specific test)

 So just on my laptop, the patch makes ZendAMF’s performances closer to those of AMFPhp.

So I encourage ZendAMF users to vote for the ZF-10487 and in the meantime, use this patch. I also hope that more work will be done to continue to improve ZendAMF perfs…


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Written by Arnaud
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