Sep 28

This is quite strange that this function is tagged as private in the DataGrid code. Then, it doesn’t appear in the documentation although this is really useful.

dataGrid.mx_internal::shiftColumns(oldindex, newindex, event);

This will move the column at the oldindex to the newindex. And you can also use an event.

Of course, to use the mx_internal namespace, you need to add the following code:

import mx.core.mx_internal;
use namespace mx_internal;

So ok… 3 lines of code.

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Written by Arnaud
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Sep 08

With its version 1.2, the component Flex Notification can be stacked. This has been suggested by 2 of my visitors and I think this was a very good idea. So, this is now possible using a new property to use in the method. The property stackable is set to true by default, so by default, the Notification will be stacked.

Technical changes (you may have some compilation errors if you already use my Notification):

  • There is a new class called the NotificationStackManager which mainly count the Notifications
    • The NotificationStackManager is implemented as a Singleton.
    • You don’t need to deal with it, only the Notification sends counting information to the Manager
  • The 2 components (Notification and NotificationStackManager) have been placed in a package
  • The method changed as the stackable parameter can be set between the iconClass and the notificationParent parameters.

I hope this version will enjoy both current and futur users.

You can check an updated demo at the original post.

Have fun.

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Written by Arnaud
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