Feb 10

UPDATE (8th of Apr 2009) : your new AIR admin tool for SQLite local databases is now available here !

There are already lots of good tools to manage SQLite databases (only a few developped in AIR) and I already use a good one (SQLite Administrator). But a few months ago, I had to update an AIR application and it was a real pain because of the change in the SQLite database. I was very lazy and I updated the installed database manually instead of developping a class that could perform the migration of the DB after the update of the application it-self. This was of course a very dirty way of working and I want to be more professional next time (even if the application is for the private use of my wife).

Then, in last December, I decided to start an actionscript class that could:

  • compare 2 SQLite databases (the new version and the old one)
  • generate the SQL statements to be executed for the migration of the installed database.

But 3 weeks ago, I felt that an AIR application that could compare SQLite db was interesting (this feature is not that common in the market of SQLite admin tools) but if the user have to create/edit his databases using another tool, it was not so user-friendly and convenient. As you can understand, I have been victim of gold-plating and now the app can and will do more than only database comparison…

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Written by Arnaud
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