Jul 20
This is always for me a great pleasure to answer to mails or comments on my blog and help the users or just some visitors. But 2-3 weeks ago, I had a great surprise, in return, when Herb, from Japan, sent me a modified version of my Flex Notification, including 2 bug fixes and some enhancements ! I was really amazed and so pleased that someone took time to enhance this component and share it ! In the open source world, this is simply called a contribution, I think
So today, I release the version 1.3 of the Flex Notification, including Herb Morris’ contributions.
In this version (that you will find here or on its bitbucket.org repository):
- Changed calculation to ensure a Notification is correctly displayed within its parent, no more clipped,
- Fixed a bug that could hang the application when lots of Notifications are displayed
- Added an easing function to the default effect.
- Added a duration for the closing effect.
Have fun.
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Written by Arnaud
Tags: AIR, Component, Flex, Notification
Oct 03
Here is a new component that I wanted to share. It extends the mx:DataGrid and its goal is to keep a column "fixed" in the DataGrid. This, whatever the dataProvider is or changes and even when columns are dragged or new ones are added. This is maybe specific to my own need but you never know
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Written by Arnaud
Tags: Component, DataGrid, Flex
Jul 06
In an application, you often must send messages to your users. Some messages require an acknowledgement or a decision from the user: in Flex, the Alert class is used for this. But sometimes, your message is "for information" only. In this case, the Alert and its OK button represent a disturbing and ennoying additional click.
Here comes the Flex Notification, that actually mimics any other notification that may be found in other applications, poping up from the bottom right corner of your screen.
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Written by Arnaud
Tags: Component, Flex, GradientCanvas, Notification
Jul 01
I have just uploaded an updated GradientComponents Style Explorer.
The new property positioning is available and you can now select a component and play with its background. This is a long time that I wanted to do this and someone suggested me to do it a few days ago ;). I have done a quicky and (very) dirty modification of the application (at code level) so, don’t expect to much if you have a look in the code (the more interesting being the examples).
Nevertheless, all GradientComponents are not demoed and some of them require additional styling: the backgroundAlpha of GradientAccordion or GradientTileList for example, the border of the TextArea… I hope this will help you style your owns.
Have fun.
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Written by Arnaud
Tags: Component, gradient, GradientCanvas, GradientComponents
May 21
This week, I received Flex examples of components and applications using the GradientComponents. I was very happy to get this examples and find them really cool.
Here there are:
- EAIGurus with his Acrobat.com button : an impressive animated button that opens a panel containg information or what you want. This reproduces the front page of Acrobat.com.
- Develop your Dream with an application that localizes international airports on a Google Map. Just click the map and expand the marker.
Thank you to them !
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Written by Arnaud
Tags: Component, Flex, GradientCanvas, GradientComponents