Jul 20

This is always for me a great pleasure to answer to mails or comments on my blog and help the users or just some visitors. But 2-3 weeks ago, I had a great surprise, in return, when Herb, from Japan, sent me a modified version of my Flex Notification, including 2 bug fixes and some enhancements ! I was really amazed and so pleased that someone took time to enhance this component and share it ! In the open source world, this is simply called a contribution, I think ;)

So today, I release the version 1.3 of the Flex Notification, including Herb Morris’ contributions.

In this version (that you will find here or on its bitbucket.org repository):

- Changed calculation to ensure a Notification is correctly displayed within its parent, no more clipped,
- Fixed a bug that could hang the application when lots of Notifications are displayed
- Added an easing function to the default effect.
- Added a duration for the closing effect.

Have fun.

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Written by Arnaud
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