I have reopened the Mind2Tests project. I wanted to work on it earlier but I focused on the SQLite Sorcerer and other stuffs. Just to remind you, this little AIR application helps software testers in their test design activities: it converts mind-map files (from FreeMind and XMind) into XML files that can then be imported into TestLink (v1.8x). By this way, the mind-mapping becomes another powerful test design technique.
The next version will provide the following changes:
- Should be open sourced (source code being published on bitbucket.org)
- Implementation of a plug-in system: external libraries will be downloaded to allow Mind2Tests to work with a specific tool (mind-mapping or test management tool). And as a starter, 3 or 4 libraries will be provided to work with FreeMind, XMind and TestLink (v1.8x and probably v1.9).
- The way the mind maps can be designed is improved in order to accept nested requirement specifications or nested test suite. So the user will have more freedom to organise the mind-map before the conversion.
The 2 first points will allow testers to extend Mind2Tests with new capabilities for other tools or their own home-grown tool. Nevertheless, I still don’t know if I will charge (very low charge) for libraries for non-open-source tools (as Mind Manager, Quality Center for instance).
I can’t commit a date but the release should come in late February 2011.
Cheers and Happy New Year ! (as this is my first post for 2011)